Tag Archives: musicbiz madness

Your First Steps in the Music Business

You have just finished a few songs – but what now? How do you proceed as a musician in order to make money from your art one day? When is the right time for certain action? While I must admit … Continue reading

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What Booking Agents expect from Bands

Why does one band get the gig while the other doesn’t? I have posed this question to a number of club owners and booking agents to put some light on the issue of successful band applications. Based on the answers … Continue reading

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Organize Your Own Concerts Successfully

When clubs don’t have any more slots available or even just turn you down your only choice left is either to resign or to organize your concerts all by yourself. The latter can either end up in a catastrophe or … Continue reading

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Everything starts with the right target audience

Goals can be set individually and differently, but at the beginning is always the job of reachning and convincing the right audience. Any music marketing method is void if you don’t know how and where to reach your fans. 

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It will (never) work without a Record Label

Pardon? Haven’t record labels come out of fashion and isn’t the internet a sure-fire success? Hold the horses. In fact, you do not need a record label to sell your music these days, provided you know the alternative and put … Continue reading

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How to put your Music up for sale effectively

We have to make it easy for customers to make a purchase. If a bricks and mortar store door is closed, if we have to shout for a shop attendee to help us, if certain products aren’t visible, our conscience … Continue reading

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8 Traits of Successful Musicians

Sometimes it is just good to see what makes other musicians successful. Lists like this here have been written before, nevertheless I would like to share some of the key traits of sucessful musicians whom I have interviewed or met … Continue reading

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Do You Need A Label Code ?

They say you need a label code to get airplay. But if you cannot get ‘traditional’ airplay anyway, what about the LC code then? Do you still need it or can you just get along with those willing to play … Continue reading

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How The Media Can Help Artists

D.I.Y. is all around and that’s cool. But being self-marketers does not mean artists should strictly do without all the things that labels do. Using “regular media” often gets neglected within the social media hype. There is more to that…

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iTunes pre-sale: pure power

iTunes gives you the opportunity to pre-sell your music. With a minimum of 30 days prior to your official release you can collect (pre) orders from your fans. At your official release date your fans will then automatically get a … Continue reading

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