Tag Archives: social media

Has Social Media failed you?

Recently I have heard a lot of musicians worry about their reach on social media. They are not reaching as many followers as they have reached before. Rumors are out that social meda platforms intentionally limit their users’ reach to … Continue reading

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Your First Steps in the Music Business

You have just finished a few songs – but what now? How do you proceed as a musician in order to make money from your art one day? When is the right time for certain action? While I must admit … Continue reading

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Everything starts with the right target audience

Goals can be set individually and differently, but at the beginning is always the job of reachning and convincing the right audience. Any music marketing method is void if you don’t know how and where to reach your fans. 

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Less Is More

When marketing your music going for the kill isn’t always the best strategy because, yes, it can kill: your reputation, your fanbase, your sales. Wisely targeted action always brings better results than blindly shooting around and wasting your time and … Continue reading

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Likes are not a Currency

These days many musicians tend to prefer collecting Facebook likes rather than actually selling music. So what do we actually get from Facebook marketing? Is Facebook a useful marketing tool at all? And why are many musicians abandoning their Facebook … Continue reading

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A Social Media profile is not a website

Myspace years ago, then Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or special musician communities like Reverbnation – social media is all around and if put to use properly it can be very helpul. What social media sites are not, however, is a free-of-charge … Continue reading

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