A Social Media profile is not a website

Myspace years ago, then Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or special musician communities like Reverbnation – social media is all around and if put to use properly it can be very helpul. What social media sites are not, however, is a free-of-charge substitute for a real website.

Still quite a number of bands and musicians are using their social media profiles as their sole web presence. What they are doing in fact is limiting themselves not only to the limited functions of such profiles but also to their reputation. Remember when Myspace got out of fashion? All the carefully amassed fans and friends were no longer available and had to be re-collected through Facebook. You would not want to rely solely on the popularity of a social media brand.

Nothing beats your own individualized website in terms of promoting yourself and your music, communicating with your fans and binding them. You can create your own design, navigation, shop, music previews, newsletter, photo gallery etc. And when social media should wear out one day, your website will stay – if you have one. So get one.

Online marketers see their website as their home base. Think of a store in town. Social media sites, on the other hand, are considered anchor pages or arms. Think of promotional stands or in town advertising. They use social media to reach out for and win new clients with only one goal: to direct them to their custom-built website to make a purchase. Again, think of drawing an audience to your brick and mortar store. All the advertising won’t help if there’s no point of purchase.

So get yourself your very own website and direct your fans from your social media profiles to your website – not vice versa.

– Julian Angel

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About MusicBizMadness

Julian Angel is a chart-noted songwriter and film musician with Hollywood credits. He has successfully released six (physical) records by himself. MusicBiz Madness started as a business conference in Germany and keeps sharing hands-on advice for musicians and people in the music industry.
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