Category Archives: Playing live

Fuck the Facts – give us Ideas

Streaming accounts for 13% of the total music revenue in Europe, Vinyl increased by 30%, CDs are still the main product of choice. Interesting numbers that present a good picture of the music industry’s current state. But are these facts … Continue reading

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Musicians: Are Your Prepared?

They say success is inevitable when opportunity meets preparation. I know from experience that this is also true for musicians and the music business. So today we will want to examine whether you are prepared when opportunity comes knocking. Do … Continue reading

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What Booking Agents expect from Bands

Why does one band get the gig while the other doesn’t? I have posed this question to a number of club owners and booking agents to put some light on the issue of successful band applications. Based on the answers … Continue reading

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Organize Your Own Concerts Successfully

When clubs don’t have any more slots available or even just turn you down your only choice left is either to resign or to organize your concerts all by yourself. The latter can either end up in a catastrophe or … Continue reading

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Being ‘proactive’ means to influence and determine the development and outcome of an event by effectively planning ahead and taking action respectively. In short: Take action yourself to get the best out of something. We will talk about how and … Continue reading

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Holiday Season – the pros and cons for musicians

Approximately 20% of the annual music revenue is being generated during the last six to eight weeks of the year. Yes, we are talking Christmas. Christmas, the business that can never start too early for retailers. But what does this … Continue reading

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How to get more Gigs

The route you take to get more gigs for you and your band can often be determined by the goals you have set for yourself: make more money, increase your popularity through exposure, improve your stage presence or impress record … Continue reading

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