Tag Archives: diy

Fuck the Facts – give us Ideas

Streaming accounts for 13% of the total music revenue in Europe, Vinyl increased by 30%, CDs are still the main product of choice. Interesting numbers that present a good picture of the music industry’s current state. But are these facts … Continue reading

Posted in General, Music Business, Music Marketing, Music Promotion, Playing live | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Next Steps in the Music Business

In part one of this little two-parter we discussed ways to attract fans with the help of our first couple of finished songs, all with regards to a subsequent album release. This time we move another step further and look … Continue reading

Posted in Music Business, Music Distribution, Music Marketing, Music Promotion | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Record Labels as spring boards

A great example for quickly changing music industry standards is the role of record labels. Still only a few years ago it was common practice for bands to self-promote until at a certain level they generated record industry interest – … Continue reading

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