Tag Archives: music distribution

The Next Steps in the Music Business

In part one of this little two-parter we discussed ways to attract fans with the help of our first couple of finished songs, all with regards to a subsequent album release. This time we move another step further and look … Continue reading

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It will (never) work without a Record Label

Pardon? Haven’t record labels come out of fashion and isn’t the internet a sure-fire success? Hold the horses. In fact, you do not need a record label to sell your music these days, provided you know the alternative and put … Continue reading

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How to put your Music up for sale effectively

We have to make it easy for customers to make a purchase. If a bricks and mortar store door is closed, if we have to shout for a shop attendee to help us, if certain products aren’t visible, our conscience … Continue reading

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Interview: Phil Vanderkill

Phil Vanderkill is the lead singer of Sergeant Steel, a successfully self-marketed hard rock band from Austria (who actually worked with legendary producer Michael Wagener). I met Phil at a radio party and was impressed by his openness to sharing … Continue reading

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Who needs a Record Label?

We all know by now that quite a lot has changed in the music industry. New (and often weird) business models pop up all the time, popular acts cancel their record contracts, the media rejoice – and ‘small’ musicians get … Continue reading

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