Category Archives: Music Promotion

Has Social Media failed you?

Recently I have heard a lot of musicians worry about their reach on social media. They are not reaching as many followers as they have reached before. Rumors are out that social meda platforms intentionally limit their users’ reach to … Continue reading

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Direct Marketing for Musicians (Part 2)

We have already discussed the meaning and impact of direct marketing in part one. In this part we want to take a closer look at a number of direct marketing methods in the music business. And how we can „work“ … Continue reading

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Direct Marketing for Musicians (Part 1)

Direct marketing is probably the most effective way to create awareness for products and services. Even to musicians this method is being regularly recommended since it is (initially) cost-effective and delivers high conversion rates. Despite all the advantages, though, the … Continue reading

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Fuck the Facts – give us Ideas

Streaming accounts for 13% of the total music revenue in Europe, Vinyl increased by 30%, CDs are still the main product of choice. Interesting numbers that present a good picture of the music industry’s current state. But are these facts … Continue reading

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When can a Record Deal pay off?

Do-it-yourself vs. record deal – both come with ups and downs. While selling your music all by yourself will generate a higher turnover per unit, a record label is able to move more units. Let’s try to find out how … Continue reading

Posted in General, Music Business, Music Licensing, Music Marketing, Music Promotion, Songwriters | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Musicians: Are Your Prepared?

They say success is inevitable when opportunity meets preparation. I know from experience that this is also true for musicians and the music business. So today we will want to examine whether you are prepared when opportunity comes knocking. Do … Continue reading

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The 7 Month Music Marketing Challenge

The hardest part of DIY music marketing is not really the promotion of a new album. What’s even harder is staying on top of everyone’s minds during the long, often dry period that stretches from one record release to the … Continue reading

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The Next Steps in the Music Business

In part one of this little two-parter we discussed ways to attract fans with the help of our first couple of finished songs, all with regards to a subsequent album release. This time we move another step further and look … Continue reading

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Your First Steps in the Music Business

You have just finished a few songs – but what now? How do you proceed as a musician in order to make money from your art one day? When is the right time for certain action? While I must admit … Continue reading

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Organize Your Own Concerts Successfully

When clubs don’t have any more slots available or even just turn you down your only choice left is either to resign or to organize your concerts all by yourself. The latter can either end up in a catastrophe or … Continue reading

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