Tag Archives: marketing

Has Social Media failed you?

Recently I have heard a lot of musicians worry about their reach on social media. They are not reaching as many followers as they have reached before. Rumors are out that social meda platforms intentionally limit their users’ reach to … Continue reading

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Direct Marketing for Musicians (Part 1)

Direct marketing is probably the most effective way to create awareness for products and services. Even to musicians this method is being regularly recommended since it is (initially) cost-effective and delivers high conversion rates. Despite all the advantages, though, the … Continue reading

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iTunes pre-sale: pure power

iTunes gives you the opportunity to pre-sell your music. With a minimum of 30 days prior to your official release you can collect (pre) orders from your fans. At your official release date your fans will then automatically get a … Continue reading

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Entertaining Newsletters (can you write ’em?)

Internet marketers say it all the way: your mailing list is your number one online marketing asset. However, it can also become your most annoying one: when your newsletters are simply boring and lack worthwhile information.

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