Successful Video Release

The internet success fairy tale is being told everywhere: band uploads video, magically goes viral and we’re all doing it Gangnam Style. If we take a closer look, though, we realize that things are not that simple. Nowadays there are fully fledged marketing campaigns even behind Youtube videos, which require effort and diligence similar to the release of a new album.

Preparation is key to get the most out of your video release. Tasks have to be delegated within the band, the video clip should be uploaded (but not released yet) in advance to avoid any last minute hassle. Finally you should take time to be present, hands-on, at the day of your music video’s final release. So here are a few no-cost things you can do to share your music video with as many people as possible, right on day one.

The „100 Friends List“
Internetmarketer Chris Guillebeau recommends sending an eMail to 100 friends and family members at the day your new product (your video) gets released to the public. Kindly ask your friends to forward your message and share your video wherever they can, on their websites, social media profiles etc. In order to make it easy for them to actually share your content (not everyone is that internet savvy) do not only send them the link to your video, but include the embed code as well, maybe along with a short instruction.

Youtube Channels
Even if you’re new to Youtube or any other video platform and this is going to be your first music video release ever, you can make a few contacts right in advance. Kindly ask other users who operate a channel that is dedicated to your type of music if they would be ready and willing to share your upcoming music video once it will be on. In order to enhance your credibility you may already upload a few audio only videos with songs or demo versions to which you can point these channel owners so they can get an idea of what your music is about, especially of its quality. Send them another personal message the day the video gets released along with the exact URL so they can add your video to their channel and share it. Even if they may have subscribed to your channel already, don’t ignore that personal message.

Press Release
If your video clip is a real music video (not just some live clip or photo collage) the media that covers your genre will be interested in a little story. Contact your media contacts, craft a nice – and relevant! – story about your new video and send it as a press release. Especially webzines and blogs love being up to date and most of them will be happy to publish your press release along with your video. For this to happen, make sure you give them the embed code at the end of your press release. The whole copy & paste thing will make it easy and more likely for your contacts to publish your news.

If you have a mailing list, use it. Announce your video release a few weeks in advance. Sharing some stories about the making of your clip and some behind the scenes pictures are a good way to create anticipation. At the day of your video release you send a final whoomp-there-it-is eMail with the link – and, of course, the full video code again, so your fans (those not that tech savvy) can easily share your clip with whoever they want. Kindly encourage them to do so.

It’s also a good idea to cooperate with other similar bands and artists to share each other’s news such as a new video release. Ask friendly bands to share your news now via their own newsletters and networks.

Facebook Friends
The band Sergeant Steel sent personal messages to all (!) their Facebook friends at the day their video came out. “Personal” means salutation, name and maybe some small talk where it’s possible (“Hey Joe, how’s your dog doing?”). Please avoid the spammy-looking “Hey, check out our video and like us”. Including a link to your video seems like a no-brainer, especially since the video gets displayed right away within the message. Give your friends a good reason to watch and kindly ask them to share it.

Facebook Event
Similar to building anticipation via your newsletter you can create a Facebook event for your video release and stir some curiosity with regular updates during the run-up.

Facebook Groups
Expand your reach by getting your new music video in stylistically relevant Facebook groups during the day of its release. Think about having some friends to that in their own name. This will let their posts appear more credible other than you and your band plastering (spamming?) all the groups with the same news.

Your own Website and Profiles
Don’t forget to add your new music video to your own website and any relevant profiles. If you are signed to a label or work with a promoter, get them in as well.

All this should be done at the very first day the video goes online. Of course, messaging all your Facebook friends in person may take a bit longer, but keep it rolling. Your realistic goal will be getting 1,000 views within 24 hours. This will jump start your music video for more clicks to come.

To your success…

– Julian Angel
Music Business Marketing Tips

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About MusicBizMadness

Julian Angel is a chart-noted songwriter and film musician with Hollywood credits. He has successfully released six (physical) records by himself. MusicBiz Madness started as a business conference in Germany and keeps sharing hands-on advice for musicians and people in the music industry.
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